Doctor Care - Diagnostic Center / Doctors Chamber Management Script

Автор scriptvtech
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1 9.1k
PHP 7.x, MySQL 5.x,JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL

Demo Frontend:

Demo Backend:

Doctor Care – Diagnostic Center / Doctors Chamber Management System

Ultimate solution for any kind of :

  1. Diagnostic Center
  2. Doctor’s Chamber
  3. General Hospital
  4. Dentist Chamber etc.
  5. Dental Clinic

New Features

  1. Paystack, SSL Commerz, Stripe, Paytm,, 2Checkout Payment Gateways
  2. Twilio, BulkSms, BdBulkSms sms Gateways
  3. Language edit option
  4. Table responsiveness in all device
  5. Server side tables for Appointment, Prescription and some other tables
  6. Auto Email and SMS template
  7. Prescription re-design.
  8. Newly added Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Turkish, Indonesian Languages
  9. Popup patient history on click calendar appointments
  10. CodeIgniter 3.1.10
  11. Telehealth by Live Video consultation feature
  12. Fontawesome 5 and many more.
  13. Server side sorting for all the server side datatables in the system

All the Features

  1. Doctor Database
  2. Patient Database
  3. Prescription Management
  4. Appointment Management
  5. Live Video consultation between doctor and patient
  6. Human Resource Database
  7. Patient’s detail history
  8. Hospital Accounting
  9. Financial Reporting
  10. Invoicing
  11. Pharmacy Management
  12. Frontend Website
  13. Schedule Management for Doctors
  14. Payment Gateways
  15. Email Module
  16. Notice Module
  17. Template for Lab report creation
  18. 8 Types Of Login Access (Admin, Doctor, Patient, Nurse, Accountant, Pharmacist, Laboratorist, Receptionist)
  19. SMS Management
  20. Dynamic Language
  21. Multi Language (Arabic, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Turkish, Indonesian)
  22. RTL Structure
  23. Big Data handling
  24. Easy Process to Translate Into any Language
  25. Patient Medical History
  26. Patient Medical Files Archive
  27. Prescription
  28. Patient Payment History
  29. User Activity Report
  30. Doctor’s Commission calculator for Diagnosis Reference
  31. Telemedicine By Video Conferencing

Login Accesses

  1. Admin
  2. Doctor
  3. Patient
  4. Nurse
  5. Accountant
  6. Pharmacist
  7. Laboratorist
  8. Receptionist

Available Languages

  1. Arabic
  2. English
  3. French
  4. Italian
  5. Portuguese
  6. Spanish
  7. Chinese
  8. Japanese
  9. Russian
  10. Turkish
  11. Indonesian

Feature Description


Dashboard presents the status and overview of the institution. Visual presentation of the sales and expense through graph and pie chart are there. Total count of the Daily, monthly and yearly sales and expense and number of appointments. Dashboard contain the appointment calendar through which you can see all the appointments for can see the patient history by clicking on appointments.


You can store all the department name and descriptions of the hospital.


You can create, edit and delete doctors. Can manage doctor’s appointments, schedule, holidays. Can check doctor’s treatment history.


You can create, edit and delete patients. Can manage patient’s case history, documents, payments, appointments. You can check the patient history with a beautiful timeline from the history button in the patient list.


You can create, edit and delete appointments. Can manage Today’s and upcoming appointments. You can see appointments based on status like requested, pending, confirmed, treated and cancelled.

Human Resources

This is the module where you can create all the hospital staffs like Nurses, Accountants, Receptionists, Pharmacists and Laboratorist. All those staffs can login the system with their specific access permission.

Financial Activities

Can manage payments, expenses, invoices, due payments, daily, monthly, yearly and date to date reports etc from this module.


Can create and manage prescriptions with dynamic medicine selection. Link betwwen Prescription and pharmacy allow pharmacist to see all the prescriptions.

Lab Test

Can manage all the lab reports and report templates. Template system allows to create report templates. During the creation of a report you just need to select your desired template. Then just change the values.


Can add, edit and delete medicines and medicine categories. You can check medicine stock alert


You can check date-to date report for all your financial activities. Strong User activity report where you will find user based financial reporting like the amount of cash collected by each accountant and receptionist. You can check each doctor’s commission. Can check birth, operation and expire records. Daily, month and yearly payment and expense reports and many more.


You can send the email to different group like all the patients or all the doctors or donors of a specific blood group. Also can send individual patients and any other email address. You can configure the auto email templates. During the creation of appointments, payments or live meetings email are sent to patients and doctors. You can create those emails from here.


You can send the sms to different group like all the patients or all the doctors or donors of a specific blood group. Also can send individual patients and any other email address. You can configure the auto sms templates. During the creation of appointments, payments or live meetings sms are sent to patients and doctors. You can create those messages from here. You also need to select SMS gateway from the settings option. There are multiple sms gateways integrated in our system.


Our frontend website is a portfolio website for the hospital. Public users can make appointment request from here. Sliders, featured doctors, services are also there and those can be dynamically added from backend.


Can change hospital title, credit line, currency symbol, phone number, email address etc. Can manage payment gateways, languages, bulk imports and database backups.


Logged in user can change email, username and login password from here


Added (05-10-2020)
- Paytm,, 2Checkout Payment Gateways
- BulkSms, BdBulkSms sms Gateways
- Language edit option
- Financial report error solved
- Email template delete button icon bug
- Restrict Add, template and sent buttons for users except admin and doctor in Email sendview
- Payment gateway name in patient_deposit table
- Redesign jitsi meet conference page
- Jitsi meet integration for live video chat
- Financial report error solved
- Email template delete button icon error solved
- Restricted Add, template and sent buttons for users except admin and doctor in Email sendview
- Paystack Payment Gateway
- SSL Commerz Payment Gateway
- Table responsiveness in all devices
- 5 New Languages (Turkish, Indonesian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese)

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