TicTic v2.9.3 - Android Short Video Application

Tarafından scriptvtech
3 9k
Apk, .java Software Version Android 8.1, Android 8.0, Android 7.2.x, Android 7.1.x, Android 6.0, Android 5.1.x



EMAIL:- admin@admin.com

PASSWORD:- 123456


Native Android App built-in Android Studio

Tiktik – Android app for creating and sharing short videos. The customizable social video application to build your own trending video sharing platform with video dubbing features, various filters & social media integrations & more. Build your unique Tik Tok / Musical.ly / Dubsmash-like Clone Today!

Some of the user’s apps links listed below using our app

Extended License


Extended license buyers will get an additional feature which is Amazon S3 Storage. The application will have an option if you want your application videos will be stored locally or on S3. The application video loading performance will be fast if the videos are stored on s3.

Extended license buyers will get a watermark feature like TikTok. Once user downloads the video it will attach a watermark with it.

  • Aws S3 storage
  • Watermark Feature
  • tech
    Excellent app Happy sells
    5 Yıllar önce
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