Ramom School - Multi Branch School Management System

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2 7.3k
PHP 7.x, MySQL 5.x,JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL,


Frontend :- https://iconschool.ramomcoder.com/

Login Area : https://www.ramomcoder.com/saas/authentication

Superadmin: [email protected]
Password: 1234 

Ramom School Management is Multi-Branching education ERP System. This application will help the organization that has many Branch Schools and a SuperAdmin can control all the branches and staff. Each branch will be controlled by Admin. Information about different branches, cannot be viewed or modified by other branch users. All information will be separate and secure. It is effective and helpful for both types of schools, polytechnics and universities. There are language translation systems, Any user can change language and sessions and see all the systems in different languages and sessions record. Multiple branch systems will save your time and money, just one solution.

How To Works Live Class

  • Create a zoom account and get the AP keys from your zoom account and save it in the “Live Class Settings” under “School Settings”.
  • Create zoom meetings for each live class from your zoom account.
  • Add Live Class in your Ramom School application and enter zoom meeting id & password.
  • Students will get the live class sms notification and will appear on the live class rooms page.
  • Employees will start meeting using Zoom App / Ramom school just before the scheduled time.
  • Students will simply click the Join Class button and you must approve their requests.
  • After the student joins, he will watch live streaming video classes.
  • The documentation is given in more detail.

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