Betx - Sports Betting Platform

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Username: admin

Password: admin

Bet24x is a complete sports betting platform developed for those people who interested to start there own sports betting website. Bet24x is a complete solution for all kinds of sports betting, its Cross Browser Optimized script working fine for all device - Desktop & Mobile. Bet24x is 5 times Security Checked system comes with 100% Bugs & Error Free, Bet24x support automated payment from: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Bitcoin Cash, Stripe, Skrill, PayPal, Perfect Money & Allmost 500+ CryptoCurrency - Altcoin & Token. Bet24x Suitable for any types of sports betting, such as: Football Betting, Cricket Betting, basketball Betting, Sports prediction, horse racing betting, Car racing betting, Hockey, Soccer, Tennis, IPL & others local and international sports betting. 
User Features:
 Unique Responsive Design.
 Login & Registration.
 Infront Live Betting.
 Betting Details.
 Betting Category.
 Inplay View.
 Live Sports Streaming.
 Bet by Ratio Facility.
 Secure User Dashboard.
 Transaction Logs.
 Deposit Fund.
 Deposit Logs.
 Withdraw Method.
 Withdraw History.
 Profile Management.
 Cross Browser Optimized.
 SEO Friendly URL.
 Social Media Connectivity.
 Informative Menus.
 Easy to contact.
Admin Features:
 Secure Dashboard.
 Manage Events.
 Manage Match.
 Bet Closed Match.
 Awaiting Winner.
 User Management.
 Banned User.
 Manage Deposit.
 Deposit Log.
 Deposit Method.
 Manage Withdraw.
 Withdraw Request.
 Withdraw Methods.
 Website Control.
 General Setting.
 Email Setting.
 SMS Setting.
 Contact Setting.
 Logo & favicon Setting.
 Manage Footer.
 Manage Social.
 Menu Control.
 Manage Breadcrumb.
 Manage About.
 Manage Advertisement.
 Service Control.
 Manage FAQS.
 User Statistics.
 Match Statistics.
 Transection Statistics.
Payment Method Support:
 Bitcoin Cash.
 Master & Visa Card.
 Perfect Money.
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