FamilyTrust - A Modern P2P Donation System Script

沿って scriptvtech
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Test User

Username: [email protected]
Password: 111111

Test Admin

Username: administrator
Password: 123456



After a guest user signs up, he receives an email verification which allows him / her to proceed with the registration, (Can be Enabled/Disabled) by the Admin. Following the success of the email verification, the user would be redirected to a page where he/she would be required to verify phone number through an sms verification system (Can be Enabled/Disabled). Concluding the registration, the user is required to activate his account within a specific period of time provided by the administrator. The account details where the activation fee is to be paid to would be displayed on the account activation page (Activation fee payment goes to Admin or Upline). Once the payment is made, an upload of proof of payment would be required. This is followed by the confirmation of the uploaded proof of payment by the administrator. If the confirmation of the proof of payment is successful, the user would be prompted add bank details before making both donation request.

Note: Once account details is submitted, it is no longer possible for the user to edit or delete the submitted account information without the knowledge and permission of the administrator.

Once account is activated and bank details is added, then the user can now make donation request. User is notified on User Dashboard, phone and email once they are merge and announcement would be made on Telegram group if enabled by the Administrator. The User would be required to make payment to the receiver and upload the proof of payment within a specified period of time. Failure on the part of the User to meet up to the donation requirement will result in the blocking of his / her account.

Note: Subsequent donations can only be equal to or greater than the previous donation amount.

100% Re-commitment! Once the donation maturity period is reached, the user needs to make another donation that meets the above stated donation requirements, in order to successfully make a withdrawal request of the previous donation.

Guider or Manager. If user qualifies to be a guider or a manager, his/her status is displayed shown on dashboard and referral earnings page.

Support. This is a chat system that allows users of this system to interact with the administrator should in case the user needs any clarification on one or more things about the system.

Testimonials. Here, users can post their testimonials or positive experiences gained while using this system. They are also free to edit and delete testimonials.


  • Email verification on registration - Can be Enabled/Disabled from Admin
  • Phone verification on registration - Can be Enabled/Disabled from Admin
  • No registration with same bank info. phone number or email in the system
  • Account activation - System prompt for payment of activation fee after Phone & Email verification process - Can be Enabled/Disabled from Admin
  • Admin can decide who receives activation fee (Recipient can be "Admin" or "Upline")
  • Email & Phone notification when merged to GH, PH, etc
  • Telegram Group Anouncement when merged to GH, PH, etc
  • Auto rematch (when a transaction is timed out. the unpaid member transaction goes back to GH list for a rematch manual/auto rematch while the def
  • In-Active users are blocked automatically. can also be unblocked by the admin
  • Recommit same amount or higher and get confirmed before a user will be eligible to Withdraw
  • User can not PH amount that is lower than initial PH amount
  • Manual Merging by the Admin
  • Auto Merging - Can be Enabled/Disabled
  • Transaction currency switcher - Admin can set or change transaction currency
  • Referral program - Admin can set reward percentage (%), count and level
  • Admin can set Guider qualification
  • Admin can set Manager qualification
  • Content Management - admin can update static pages without touching the code - about us, terms, etc
  • The main Admin can create and set privileges to sub-admins
  • Admin have total control of the entire system from settings such as minimum PH, GH, Percentage, Duration, Timer, etc
  • stella okon
    Awesome product, Awesome after sales services...
    4 数年前
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