Online Banking Script PHP

卖家: scriptvtech
3 11.2k
PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.x,JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL



Customers Login ID: test123

Password: test1234

Transaction Password: test1234

Staff Url

Demo Url:-

Staff Login ID: adeola

Staff Password: adeola

Admin URL

Demo Url:-

Login ID: admin

Password: admin

Online Banking is a fully automated PHP script that handles banking transactions.
The script package contains:


User features

Easy Signup/login
Premium Template
User To User bank transfer
Other bank transfer
Western Union
Ria Transfer
Money Gram TransferAccount statement
Multiple payment gateways
Account setting
Cryptocurrency Wallet
Flexible Withdrawal
Kyc verification
Virtual Cards
Target Savings
Recurrent Savings
lots more…

Admin features

Page Section management
Interface Configuration
Savings management
Target Savings management
Withdrawal management
Loan management
Multiple Email Configuration
Multiple SMS Gateways
User/Admin Messages 
User management
Transfer management
Deposit management

- An Admin Portal (This controls and monitors the activity of each account created.)
- A User Panel
- SQL Database File

The features include
- Ability to create, edit, and delete accounts
- A state-of-the-art design that meets the banking standards
- All the pages are fully responsive, which means it automatically adjusts to all screen sizes
- It has credit, debit, disable, dormancy and closure options.
- Has a customized email template alerts in the case of crediting, debiting and transfers made.
- Uploading of user image
- Creating a credit and debit history for an account
- Records the number of times a user signs in
- Authentication processes for code entry before funds transfer
- Successful transfer of funds.
- Internal messaging and ticketing system.
- SEO ready
- Unlimited number of accounts
- SMS notification (International)

The Project is Coded In
- Bootstrap
- jQuery

With Customer Support 

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