Solidpay - Digital Payment System with Wallets Script

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3 8k
PHP 7.x, MySQL 5.x,JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL,

Login Details:


User Login:
Email: [email protected], Password: 12345678

Merchant Login:
Email: [email protected], Password: 12345678

Admin Login:
Email: [email protected], Password: 12345678


Solidpay – is a fully secured multi-wallet system that is developed with Laravel and MySQL. It is a highly secure and fast dynamic wallet system. It is mainly used to make Wallet Systems. It has integrated payment gateway like Mollie, Paypal, Stripe, Coinbase, Perfect Money, Voguepay, and Paystack. There are Deposit, Withdrawal, Referral, User, and Merchant features available. In the system, users can register as members and Merchant. Users can transfer the money to other users. Merchant can get the payment from any other site like eCommerce. Merchants can collect the money from the user.


► 100% Responsive layout
► Landing Page
► Admin Panel
► User Panel
► Deposit
► Withdraw
► Merchant
► Make Payment
► Transfer
► Users
► Settings
► Withdraw Account
► Coinpayment
► Payment Gateway
► Google Fonts

Admin Features


In the Dashboard menu, Admin can see the Total User, Total Merchant, Total Deposits, Totals Withdraws, Total Transfer, Total Referral, Total Referral Commission, and Total Payment Gateway. Also can see the statistic of the Last 7 Days of Deposits and can explore Recently Registered users.

User Management

In this section, the admin can see all the users and can manage by admin, and see all data of the users.

Merchant Management

In this section, the admin can see all the Merchant and can manage admin, and see all data of the Merchants.

All Transactions

In the All Transactions menu admin can see all the transactions and can search for any transactions. Also, see the status of the transactions.


In the Deposit section, the admin can add all the automatic, and manual deposit gateways and can see the deposit history.


Admin can add the new wallet which will show on the user and merchant panel.


Admin can review withdrawal requests and can add a new withdrawal method.

Landing Page

Admin can change all the front end from this area.

Menu Management

Admin can manage all the navigation from this area.

Page Management

In this section, the admin can add a page, blog, faq category, and faqs.


Admin can change the general settings, gateway settings, and fee management.

Support Tickets

Admin can see the support tickets and reply from here to users and Merchants.

Logs Activity

Admin can see all the login activity.

User Features


Users can deposit from here.

Send Money

Users can send money to other users here.

Merchant Apply

A user can apply for a merchant account.


Users can edit the profile details here.


Users can withdraw here.

Support ticket

Users can create a new support ticket and see all the tickets and see the status.

Referral Link

Users can share their referral link and get a commission for it.

Merchant Features

Merchant can take payments from users and other sites like eCommerce.

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