BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Script

Według scriptvtech
3 9.5k
PHP7.0+, JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL

Demo Access

Admin Access:

Admin Login: 

Username: admin 

Password: admin


Bitwallet is a Bitcoin Wallet Platform same like as Blockchain, Coinbase, Coinpayments. Its fully automated bitcoin wallet working with Block.oi , now you able to create your own bitcoin website like blockchain within a five minutes, its totaly automated, anyone able to create multiple bitcoin Account here and able to sent & receive bitcoin worldwide to any bitcoin website.

User Features:

BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 6 Fully Responsive & Dynamic.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 7 Unique OnePage Frontend.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 8 Easy to signin & signup.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 9 Gorgeous User Dashboard.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 10 Unlimited Bitcoin Address Creation.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 11 Realtime Bitcoin Rate Update.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 12 Automated Bitcoin Transaction.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 13 Easy to Sent & Receive.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 14 Security Center.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 15 2FA Authentication.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 16 All Transaction History.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 17 Working With All Bitcoin Wallet.


Admin Features:

BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 18 100% Secure Admin Panel.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 19 STATISTICS on Dashboard.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 20 All User Transactions.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 21 Users Management.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 22 Transactions Log.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 23 Broadcast Email.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 24 Subscribers Management.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 25 Banned Users Management.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 26 General Settings.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 27 Block IO Settings.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 28 Logo and Icon.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 29 Email Template.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 30 Interface Content.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 31 Sliders Setup.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 32 Services Management.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 33 Testimonial Management.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 34 FAQ Management.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 35 EMAIL VERIFICATION.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 36 SMS VERIFICATION.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 37 EMAIL NOTIFICATION.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 38 SMS NOTIFICATION.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 39 Base Currency Management.
BitWallet - Bitcoin Wallet Platform - 40 Multiple COLOR Support.


Script Comes With:

  • Excellent support with a fast response rate.
  • Fix any bugs or broken content.
  • Help get you setup and installed!
  • Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
  • Protects against CSRF attacks!
  • HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
  • Built using the latest Strong LARAVEL Framework.
  • Passwords are encrypted By bcrypt encryption.
  • You should need GMP Extension to run it.
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